remodeling - kiamie real estate

A killer kitchen will leave the home buyers with a great impression over than anything else you can do.

Where to start when you remodel?

Remodeling your home can greatly increase its value, as well as make it much more welcoming to buyers. Of all the rooms in a house one of the most expensive to remodel is the kitchen. But the kitchen also has the most value as many have recognized the kitchen is the most popular room in the house. From new appliances to granite counter-tops and cabinetry, it is easy to go over budget and end up spending a lot more money on things you don’t even need. Besides, some of the cosmetic finishes are merely personal taste and will vary from individual to individual. If selling, you need to be careful to not personalize the space.

Remodeling your kitchen should be driven by demand and function

Understanding today’s trends is important when remodeling. Today’s buyers are looking for modern, robust materials with durability. Additionally, technology plays a huge role in making the space more convenient and thereby making their lives easier. For example, most home buyers want accessories like charging stations for the plethora of gadgets in their modern lives. Likewise, these same buyers want to see a kitchen with new stainless steel appliances and a multitude of energy-saving features. No-touch kitchen faucets are also very popular. Seeing all of these features makes you see dollar signs, right?

By paying attention to what the buyer is looking for in a kitchen, you will save money on your remodel. In turn, you will also sell your home quicker. For more tips on remodeling the kitchen read up on this article here. You can also check out these inspiring ideas for your next kitchen at Architectural Digest and Elle Decor.